Nigel demonstrating some line of sight manipulation in Piper.
- Can you tell us a little bit about yourself. Where you where born and how this place made you who you are today ?
I was born in Cape Town, then moved to Elsie's River. Lived in Mitchell's Plain for a while. The amount of crime witnessed on a daily basis was the reason I went into the martial arts.
- What has been your favorite job in life and what do you currently do for a living ?
I used to work for Blood Transfusion from 1998 till 2016, turning plasma into fractionated Biomedicine.
I am teaching edged weapons and empty hand full time since 2016.
- 3 most important events in your life so far ?
Day I got married
Day my daughter was born
The day Piper was officially recognised as the first South African martial art, by the late Joe Grant-Grierson, 10th Dan Kodokwan Ju jitsu.
- What is Piper and who is behind it's origins ?
Piper is the name I gave to the collective study of criminal knife tactics from the Cape Flats, around 1994 and was completed 8 September 1997.
I had initially created it in order to study how our criminals and gangs use the blade since no imported martial art had a solution to this method.
Credit: Photo by James Oatwa
- Why did you decide to open up Piper to the public ?
Knife attacks are on the increase again and even hiking groups are being attacked on mountain trails, and the response time for police are quite slow.
- What specifically do you think separates Piper from the other methodologies out there that focus on violence ?
Its the first system of its kind that looked at violence from the criminal's perspective and actually has a functioning and attainable set of physical skillsets.
- How is Piper structured as an organization ?
I'm very hands on and prefer to take a more personal approach when training folk, especially those that are part of my guardian program.
I keep changing the hierarchy every few years to keep it interesting and less cult-ish.
- What does it take for someone to be graded a Guardian?
Commitment, a selfish desire to get better, the need to understand and tame your dark side and also to contain this knowledge and only train those chosen for this program.
- What can something born in the Cape Town Flats give someone from the US ?
The ability to understand the realities of the knife as it relates to ambush and assault. This is how crime happens in the US but the martial arts and it's traditions have clouded these realities.
Some of the gifts and signatures of the people that attended the first US Piper seminar ever done by Nigel February
- There is a lot of mistery surrounding Piper, people misrepresenting themselves as instructors and the like. What is the best source of information for people wanting to find out more ?
I'm the first person you contact.
I will assist in arranging for an instructor or Guardian closests to you, for training.
This way I can keep tabs of whom are training in Piper.
- What do you think about gun and knife restrictions in violent places like that Cape Town Flats? Do they make sense ?
First of all, criminals don't follow any laws, that's what makes them criminal. So creating new laws won't change anything since it only restricts law abiding citizens.....and their ability to properly arm and defend themselves.
Nigel demonstrating some of the most unique aspects of Piper “the railing system”
- Can you define. "intent " for us as far as you teach it ?
It's action through purpose.... without hesitation. It's conviction through movement and not technique.
What makes this physically possible to teach is by putting knife and edged weapon skills in its proper context....the realm of the criminal and not the always contesting martial artist.
- What auxiliary skill do you think all people looking to prepare themselves need to have ?
First aid...If you play with knives then expect large amounts of blood and open wounds. Even in training these can become infected.
Ed's Random questions :
-If you could get away with anything that involves braking the law, what would it be?
Crush my enemies....drink from their skulls and listen to the lamentations of their women :-)
You are in a life or death karaoke competition. What song do you pick ?
I will always love you by Whitney Houston
Guilty pleasure ?
I love gaming. Keeps me distracted and away from politics.
Favorite quote ?
Losers always whine about their best...winners go home and fuck the prom queen... - Sean Connery in The Rock
To end this, can you show us what you carry with you on most days and why?
I usually carry a makeshift spike made from the Christ-Thorn tree. Its quite durable and meant only for eyes and throat deterrents.
Special thanks to my brother from another mother land for taking the time to do this for the Manifesto.