Tijuana Zebra


- Urban Movement 101: Blending into the environment in an urban setting is more about manipulation of perception and assumptions. Wearing all the muted colors and black baseball caps you want, if you feel like you don't belong, you will look like it.

Zebras hide In a crowd of zebras. One way you can do the same is going on Google Street View and start writing down the most common, colors, brands, and types of clothes in the area you are traveling in to from the comfort of your home, keep an eye on the date the pictures were taken since these will change the way people dress depending on the season.

And remember the other side of the coin is you really don't need to blend in sometimes if you have a good narrative behind you. Like a construction worker vest or Bible in your hand. Learn how to smile. The donkey Zebra in this picture is not out of place, and no one is even looking at it. Think about that...-





Mexican Criminal Occult Praxis